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Regmi gets 'Aneva Nakshatra Award-2022'


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The 'Aneva Nakshatra Award-2022' has been given to writer Geeta Regmi of 75,000 rupees by the International Nepali Literature Foundation, UK. During a special ceremony held in Kathmandu on Wednesday, Regmi was given an award by the foundation for the collection of 'The Shores of the Pacific'. Regmi's "Prashantko Tiraitir" was published in 2078.

Regmi gets 'Aneva Nakshatra Award-2022'

In the program, the vice president of the institution, Prof. Dr. Sushma Acharya said that this award was given to Geeta Regmi because she was constantly active in writing Niatra. "This award is given to creators and writers who are continuously active in any genre," she said.

She said that although there are many books coming out in the Niatra genre recently, there are comparatively few writers in the drama genre. Acharya says that there are very few women writers.

It is a great achievement for any writer to write continuously in one genre and it is even more important to write excellently, Gopi Sapkota, treasurer of the foundation and writer, said.

"On the one hand, we have given an award to a person who has dedicated himself to writing in one genre for a long time," he said. I feel that the institution is proud to have awarded Regmi. In the

program, critic Hem Bhandari said that Geeta Regmi is active not only in Niatra, but also in writing poems, stories and novels. Niatrakriti "Prashantko Tiraitir" started from Kathmandu and ended in Kathmandu. However, Bhandari said that there are many different incidents and references in Australia. According to him, in the book, the Nepali's view of foreign countries, fascination with foreign countries, foreign culture, diaspora awareness etc. are discussed in depth. Geeta Regmi, who was awarded in the

event, expressed her gratitude to the International Nepali Literature Foundation, UK for considering her worthy of such an important award. Regmi says that the award has added a challenge to him and he can or can't bear the responsibility, that challenge is double-edged. In 2013, the
Foundation presented this award to the then MP Shanta Chaudhary for the work 'From Kamalari to Members of Parliament'.

In 2015, the award was given to Narayan Amrit and Lenin Banjade for their contributions to society as 'young journalists', to writer Amar Neupane in 2016 for 'Korodaun Kasturi' and to Kailash Limbu in 2019 for his English work 'Gorkha'. done In the year 2022, Aneva Nakshatra award was presented to Geeta Regmi for 'Prashantko Tiraitir'.

Foundation has Vikalchandra Acharya as its president and Jayalakshmi Rai as its general secretary. The foundation was established in 2012 in the UK. In addition to various literary programs, it has been giving awards and honors in various categories, according to the press release issued by the foundation.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० २०:२९
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