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Same-sex marriage bill passed in Thai parliament


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Thailand's lower house has passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. With this, Thailand will soon become a country that recognizes same-sex marriage.

Same-sex marriage bill passed in Thai parliament

The bill will now have to be approved by the upper house and the royal family. Same-sex marriage is expected to be legalized in Thailand by the end of 2024. Same-sex marriage is recognized, Thailand will be one of the most liberal countries in Asia, Reuters reported. 400 out of 415 parliamentarians voted in favor of the bill. Likewise, 10 MPs voted against the bill. Thailand will become the third Asian country to recognize same-sex marriage. After the order of the Constitutional Court in 2017, same-sex marriage was legalized in Taiwan in 2019.

Same-sex marriage is legally recognized for the first time. Last November, the marriage of a same-sex couple was legally recognized for the first time in Nepal.

Lamjung's Dordi rural municipality-2 Archalbot ward office registered the marriage of a same-sex couple. Ram Bahadur Gurung, 37 years old known as Maya of Dordi-2 Sallabot, and Surendra Pandey, 27 years old of Kawasoti Municipality-8 Kawasoti Indrachowk of Nawalparasi, were registered by the ward office . In the marriage register, Maya is mentioned as the bride and Surendra as the groom.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १५:२०
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