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The number of students giving SEE every year is decreasing in Palpa

माधव अर्याल

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The number of students giving Secondary Education Examination (SEE) from Palpa is decreasing every year. According to the data of Education Development and Coordination Unit for the last 5 years, it has been seen that the candidates of SEE are decreasing every year in the district.

The number of students giving SEE every year is decreasing in Palpa

Mahendra Subedi, head of education development and coordination unit, said that the number of students participating in SEE has decreased due to low birth rate in the district and migration. Starting from Thursday, 4 thousand 182 students from Palpa are participating in this year's SEE. According to Education Development and Coordination Unit Palpa, 3,695 people from community schools and 487 people from institutional schools have prepared to take the SEE exam. Unit head Subedi said that 4 thousand 10 regular students and 172 grade increase students will take the exam.

There are 2 thousand 18 male students and 2 thousand 164 female students. The SEE examination will be conducted from 27 centers across the district. He said that one blind student from Damakada High School in Tansen Municipality-9 and one from Palpa Prison will participate. There are 267 technical students who took the SEE exam. Unit head Subedi said that 15 people will give SEE from the only open school run at Janata Mavi in ​​Tansen. The maximum number of 287 people from Darithanti Mavi exam center in Rampur and the least 60 people will give SEE exam from Chandra Mavi Chappani in Bagnaskali. The District Examination Coordinating Committee and the Education Development and Coordinating Unit have made necessary arrangements for the examination to make the

examination orderly and dignified. Last year, 4,554 people from Palpa participated in SEE 2079. In 2078 there were 4 thousand 782 participants, in 2077 4 thousand 884 participants.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० ०८:४०
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