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१८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४६

The General Assembly of the Federation of Construction Professionals will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister at Hetaunda

सुवास विडारी

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The General Assembly of the Federation of Construction Professionals will be held in Hetaunda. The organizers said that preparations for the 25th Annual General Meeting of the Federation to be held on Friday and Saturday in Hetaunda have been completed.

The General Assembly of the Federation of Construction Professionals will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister at Hetaunda

The annual general meeting to be held under the hospitality of Makwanpur Association of Construction Professionals is scheduled to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal. According to Federation General Secretary Roshan Dahal, Deputy Prime Minister and Physical Infrastructure and Transport Minister Raghuveer Mahaseth, Urban Development Minister Dhan Bahadur Budha, Wagmati Chief Minister Shalikram Jamkattel and others will address the program.

1,800 people from 77 district branches, 7 provinces, associate members and central committee, advisers and representatives and supervisors from all over the country will participate in the general meeting.

It is said that the report of the general secretary and the treasurer will be submitted in the general meeting and there will be 24 stalls related to the construction company in the venue. In a press conference, the chairman of the Federation of Construction Professionals, Ravi Singh, said that construction professionals are yet to receive payment of 20 billion. It has become difficult to work when the project is carried out on the basis of Hachuva without arranging a budget. As the construction sector is not operational, economic problems have been seen in the country," said Singh, "We are forced to buy expensive goods. The project has been killed by an unsecured source. Here, only one-sided accusations have been made against the construction businessmen.

He claimed that currently 5 billion projects are being operated in Nepal without ensuring resources. Balgopal Kandel, President of Makwanpur Builders' Association, expressed his happiness at having the opportunity to organize the general meeting in Makwanpur and pledged to make the general meeting decent and grand.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १८:५९
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