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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २७०

National Assembly Vice Speaker Urmila Aryal resigned


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National Assembly Vice Speaker Urmila Aryal has resigned. Vice President Aryal submitted her resignation to National Assembly Speaker Narayan Dahal on Thursday. Aryal was elected unopposed as the vice president of the National Assembly on January 23.

National Assembly Vice Speaker Urmila Aryal resigned

Recently, with the change in the power equation, it was agreed that the Maoists will take the chairmanship and the UML will take the vice-chairmanship. But in the meantime, it is said that there was an agreement among the top leaders to give the National Assembly Vice President to the CPN Unified Socialist Party.

The top leaders of UML, Maoist, RSWP and JSP announced 8 points of agreement on February 21 without the United Socialists participating in the alliance.

then The four political parties agreed on 8 points including the government, the election of the National Assembly Speaker/Vice Speaker, the peace process, and the implementation of federalism. Although there was an agreement to give the vice president of the National Assembly to the UML in the said agreement, on February 29 This matter was not included in the agreement.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १४:३७
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