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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २४९

Implementation of federalism is the highest priority of the government: Prime Minister


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that the government has given the highest priority to the work of drafting laws necessary to implement federalism.

Implementation of federalism is the highest priority of the government: Prime Minister

In response to a question asked by MP Janardhan Sharma in the Tuesday meeting of the House of Representatives, he said that the government has prioritized the implementation of federalism.

The issue of implementing the recommendations given by the Legislative Committee of the National Assembly and the Federalism Implementation Study and Monitoring Parliamentary Special Committee is the highest priority of the government. "Some laws, including the law related to civil servants, have been drafted and entered the honorable house and some are still in the drafting stage," he said, "The bill to replace the Nepal Police Act, 2012, to make the operation and management of the Nepal Police timely and organize the adjustment of the police. The bill to amend the Adjustment Act, 2076 and the bill to amend the Nepal Police and Provincial Police (Operation, Supervision and Coordination) Act, 2076 have been prepared to be submitted in this session of the Parliament.

The Prime Minister clarified that preparations are being made for the adjustment of the police as soon as the law is passed by the House.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ६, २०८० १३:५१
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