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Goal of financial inclusion will not be achieved without financial literacy: Governor Adhikari


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Nepal Rastra Bank Governor Mahaprasad Adhikari has said that without effective financial literacy, it will be difficult to achieve the goal of financial inclusion. At the launch of 'Global Money Week 2024' on Monday, Governor Adhikari said that financial literacy should be made effective to achieve the goal of financial inclusion.

Goal of financial inclusion will not be achieved without financial literacy: Governor Adhikari

The goal of financial inclusion cannot be reached until financial services reach all levels of the state. "Financial literacy is an integral part of that," he said, "in order to make the week-long campaign of Global Money Week a success, awareness programs targeting children and youth should be conducted." He also advised the students to be aware of their secure financial future.

As part of this campaign, various programs have been planned to increase awareness about banking/financial, capital market, insurance, and cooperative services. Under which financial awareness interactions and awareness contests will be conducted among students, stakeholders claim that awareness programs, audio-visual materials and interviews will be broadcast through the media and social networks.

Similarly, a program has also been scheduled for young students to observe financial service providers. The campaign is expected to promote financial literacy among young students and expand financial access, create self-employment and develop entrepreneurship, increase production and income levels, and help achieve the goal of economic prosperity of the country, the National Bank claims. is .

Global Money Week has started from Monday . This is the twelfth edition of Global Money Week, which is celebrated for a week in the month of March every year.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ६, २०८० १३:२४
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