कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५२

Youth in Legendary Agricultural Materials Conservation

ज्योती श्रेष्ठ

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On one side, a woman is seen grinding grain on a mill. In another corner, grain is seen being ground in a heap. Similarly, it is seen that spices are ground in Silauto, and grains are grown in Okhal. The sight of ploughing, plowing in the fields makes anyone feel as if they have reached a village. However, this scene is not of a village house but of a recently held agricultural festival.

Youth in Legendary Agricultural Materials Conservation

The traditional agricultural tools used in agricultural work in the village have been built in a modern way. which has attracted people from children to the elderly. Young children are surprised to see something new, while the elders remember the hardships they faced in agriculture.

27-year-old Deepak Rai of Mazhuwagadhi Municipality-4 of Khotang has artistically made agricultural materials such as panighat, okhal, janto, dhiki, silato, plow etc. from wood. He made the material made of wood workable with the use of electricity. Deepak, who is active in agriculture, is engaged in conservation and promotion of modern to legendary materials used in agriculture. For that, he goes to the agricultural fair festival with his materials.

Ever since I was little, I wanted to do something new. Being the son of a farmer, I came up with the idea of ​​doing something in the agricultural sector,' said Deepak, 'I thought that ancient agricultural tools and materials should be preserved because they are about to disappear.' were After that, after he started studying history, he started making materials such as plough, dhiki, janto, okhal, which were used in agriculture in the mythological period.

At the beginning, when making such materials, some people mocked him for making 'children's toys', he said. But recently, he said, many people have given positive suggestions saying that agricultural materials that are about to disappear have been presented in an artistic manner. Lately, he has been active in the maintenance of agricultural equipment. Since 2073, Deepak has been working as the managing secretary in the Prime Minister's Agricultural Modernization Zone Khotang.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १६, २०८० ०७:५६
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