कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
१८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८१

After 1 month, the work of Nagadhunga tunnel route started

If there is no interruption in the work, it will be 'break through' within 10 days

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The work of Nagadhunga-Sisnekhola tunnel has resumed from Tuesday. Locals had stopped the work for a month with various demands. The work started after the 9-point agreement reached with the locals at the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport on Monday.

After 1 month, the work of Nagadhunga tunnel route started

The main demands being raised by the residents of Chandragiri Municipality-2 are provision of drinking water, priority in employment for the local victims based on merit and ability in the operation of the tunnel after the construction of the project.

Locals had stopped the work on both Dhading and Kathmandu sides of the tunnel since February 6th. Navinman Shrestha, head of the Nagadhunga tunnel construction project, said that the tunnel work, which had been stopped for months, had started.

According to him, when there were only 14 meters left to dig the tunnel, the locals brought out demands from the start of the project and stopped the work. He says that if there are no obstacles in the work, the tunnel will be "break through" within 10 days at most. Last July 22, the emergency rescue tunnel was 'break through'. The tunnel, which is 2557 meters long, is currently being finished.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ६, २०८० १३:३५
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