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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६८

Two women died in elephant attacks in three days


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A woman has died after being attacked by a wild elephant in Jhapa. According to District Police Office Jhapa, 58-year-old Khadgmaya Limbu, a resident of Kamal Rural Municipality-5 Guheshwari of the district, died on Friday night.

Limbu's house was destroyed by an elephant while she was sleeping at home. After destroying the house, she ran away and was attacked by an elephant about 30 meters away from the house. It is said that he died on the spot.

Three days ago, 60-year-old Pavitra Vetwal of Shivasatakshi Municipality-11 also died due to an elephant attack. Her husband is injured.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १७, २०८० ०८:२०
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