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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१६

Former Ambassador Subedi appointed as Executive Director of IFA


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Former Ambassador Prakash Kumar Subedi has been appointed as the Executive Director of the Institute of Foreign Affairs Studies (IFA).

Former Ambassador Subedi appointed as Executive Director of IFA

He was appointed by the Council of Ministers for a three-year term. IFA is an organization that conducts research on various topics including foreign affairs, geopolitics, and national security. IFA has also been providing training to foreign service personnel, recommended ambassadors, military aides, etc.

Subedi became the ambassador to Austria in 2017. Also, he worked as a representative of Nepal in Vienna for the United Nations at that time. Subedi, who entered the Foreign Service in 1988, got regular retirement two years ago.

Subedi has been appointed to the vacant post of Executive Director after Rajesh Shrestha's term in IFA. According to IFA information officer Sanuraja Puri, Subedi has started work from Tuesday.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ४, २०८१ १८:०३
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