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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८६

Hotel Aikawa now four stars


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Hotel Aikawa Inn Pvt Ltd in Sauraha has been recognized as a four star hotel. According to a statement issued by the Department of Tourism under the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal, Hotel Aikawa Inn Pvt Ltd in Ratnanagar Municipality-6 has been classified as a four-star hotel according to the Tourism Act 2035.

Hotel Aikawa now four stars

It is said that the tourism department has upgraded the hotel through on-site monitoring and inspection. According to Tourism Act 2035, Aikawa Inn, a hotel operating in Wagmati province, has been classified as a four-star hotel and has been given a license. Ghanshyam Sharma Aryal, managing director of the hotel, said that it was an achievement for them to get the four-star recognition within a year of

's operation.

sauna and steam bath has been put into operation by Aikawa. He says that the restaurant, bar and cafe are open 24 hours a day for room guests. Aikawa has 4 categories of rooms namely deluxe, super deluxe, executive and presidential suite.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १७, २०८० ०७:०२
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