२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५७

I am becoming a father

विश्व सिग्देल

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When I lean
A cobblestone entrance to an ancient city
From the end of that settlement I was entering
I am disturbed by the feeling that my mouth is coming out.

I am becoming a father

When I remember

I remember

Stone-printed streets

Brick-laid alleys

Water points, sticks, knees beside

And snow full of snow

Having experienced hardships

Sleepy on the plank,

The path he was walking

It seemed simple, it seemed simple

There were no twists and turns

I was the brightness of the rising sun

To follow the footsteps of the setting sun

And to find it in a flash There was no matter of concern.

Ba went on walking.

I also saw the softness of snow

and experienced the hardness too

But inside the softness and hardness like snow

I could never see water

I will never see it again

The stone-printed streets

-break Bricks have flowed through the gaps...

Since they started sticking to me

Diabetes, high blood pressure and cravings for sweets

In my hardness, in my softness

The water has started to cover itself

break Who has the leisure to listen to the clang of the underground kula kulesa


Once upon a time I and my preoccupation have moved now

My children are busy weaving their world

Since I left,

the daily life of the ancient city has started to seem like a

to me

The abandoned ancient city itself has started to feel like a

I know

To meet me

Shoving mine The shadow will also be found one day at the entrance of the

city without stopping.

I will be able to leave freely.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १७, २०८० ०९:१४
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