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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७२

Gurung film 'Ngolsyo Rani' based on a triangular love story is being made

आश गुरुङ

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Ngolsyo means Soltini in Gurung language. The daughter of maternal uncle or fupu has Soltini relationship. In Gurung society, when calling the most loved person in the beloved language, the word 'Raja' is used if it is a man and 'Rani' if it is a woman.

Gurung film 'Ngolsyo Rani' based on a triangular love story is being made

Combining the words 'Ngolsyo' and 'Rani', artist Kamal Bahadur Gurung has directed the film 'Ngolsyo Rani'. This is his debut film as a film director who has acted, choreographed and directed himself in many music videos before.

Gurung from Kholasothar Rural Municipality 4, Bhujung, Lamjung has recently been busy creating art by making Pokhara, the capital of Gandaki province, his work place. This film based on Gurung rites and culture will be made in Nepali language.

90% of this film, which was launched in Pokhara's Tamu Pye Lhu Sangh on March 7, will be shot in Machhapuchhre Rural Municipality 2, Khandarjung, Kaski. 'This film will have a triangular love story between 3 friends' said the director Gurung, who is also the writer of the film, 'in the Nepali language, we are trying to expose the Gurung culture and traditions in a way that all Nepalis can understand.'

Manoj Gurung, Mira Gurung, Ashish Gurung, DB Gurung, Tikaram Ghale, Lalsubba Gurung, Kuvina Gurung, Vikram Rana and others will star in the film, which will be shot by Nicholas Gurung.

The story of this film, which has been produced by Vishram Films Pvt Ltd, is written by Jeevan Gurung. He has produced this film. Vinita Gurung will make up the artist. Pavitra Gurung is the choreographer of the film. Mao Zedong is the director consultant in the film.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १२, २०८० १४:१६
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