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३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

The commitments of political parties are the same regarding bringing in investment: Minister of Finance Pun


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Finance Minister Varshman Pun has said that all political parties are united to make the investment conference a success. Speaking at an interaction program organized on the eve of the investment conference in Kathmandu on Monday, he said that since there is no investment conference of any political party, government or alliance, all political parties should be united in the work that will benefit the country.

The commitments of political parties are the same regarding bringing in investment: Minister of Finance Pun

He said that the commitments of political parties in foreign investment and domestic investment are the same regardless of whether they are in power or opposition.

Now there is a question of what will happen to the investment conference politically. We are working so that it does not belong to any particular party, government, or any particular alliance, so that all trends are visible in all sessions from the opening to the end. There are also experts, investors, national and international lenders, and other success stories. Who inspires everyone. For that, we are trying to show the face of all the political parties in the country," Finance Minister Pun said. But our commitments in foreign investment and domestic investment are the same. Since the opening session, we have invited such guests in all the sessions, we have also taken time, we have also taken their confirmation.'

He insisted that there is no ruling party or opposition when it comes to economic prosperity of the country. At the investment conference, you can see that the current national parties are united, you will see the main leaders as speakers. You will see the continuation of commitments and policies. This is the conference of Nepal. Not just any government,' he said.

He said that even though the government has changed, the policy of Nepal has not changed.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ २०:४४
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