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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६७

Tiger Palace Resort is fully operational along with the casino

In recent times, domestic and foreign guests have increased in the resort

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The five-star Tiger Palace Resort, located in Tilottama-15, Rupandehi, has become fully operational from Friday, along with its casino. On Friday evening, the casino was reopened with the slogan 'Tiger is back' with the participation of tourism stakeholders and guests. Investors said that the new management has brought the resort into full operation along with the casino in order to maintain the reputation it has earned for casino games in South Asia.

Tiger Palace Resort is fully operational along with the casino

More than a dozen Indian artists performed at Casino's launch. More than 500 locals and foreigners participated in the casino's 'soft opening' program held at the resort on Friday evening.

When a five-star resort was opened seven years ago for the first time in the district with foreign investment, investors and tourism professionals here were excited. With the construction of the international airport in Bhairahawa, the investment in the hospitality sector of the district increased after a large hotel came into operation with foreign investment. People came from all over the country to see the resort, which has a geographical structure and structure that looks like a foreign country. Among the guests who came here, there was a significant number of foreigners along with natives. The Silver Heritage Group, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, invested more than 5 billion rupees and brought the resort into operation. With the commercial success, the investor Silver Heritage Group prepared to operate a new resort in Jhapa in the east and in the Far West.

"At that time, the resort's land and internal dispute reached its peak," said a tourism businessman in the district, "political instability of the country, labor struggle and mismatch between investors created a problem." Corona epidemic started in the country when internal differences were increasing. It had an effect. As disputes between investors escalated, hotels and casinos were closed. The investor company started trying to sell the resort after being unable to cope with the problem. Although many people and companies tried for a year, the purchase and sale agreement was not completed due to the resort's land dispute and labor problems.

Himalayan Tiger Investments Inc., registered in Delaware, USA, decided to buy Silver Heritage Company. With the purchase and sale agreement, Tiger Palace Resort and Casino in Rupandehi in the name of Silver Heritage, 12 bigha land in Jhapa, Millennium Club Casino operating in Shangrila Hotel in Kathmandu came under the ownership of Himalaya Tiger Investment Inc.

'By buying a sinking jewel (resort), we raised it,' said Buddhisagar Subedi, president of Tiger Palace Resort, 'Initially there was no one to accept the challenge, there were many who tried to buy and gave up. If not rescued immediately, the property was in a state of waste.' He said that 90 percent of the resort's problems have been solved after his company bought it.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १७, २०८० ०७:०४
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