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In the APF Mills Gold Cup Final

विनोद भण्डारी

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The Armed Police Force (APF) reached the final of the Sunsari Chountho Mills Gold Cup football tournament after defeating Kankai Sporting Club of Jhapa by 2-0 goals in a tiebreaker.

In the APF Mills Gold Cup Final

After the first semi-final match at the Wiratnagar Jutmil Stadium on Wednesday ended in a one-goal tie at the scheduled time, APF was lucky to go for a tri-breaker for the result. In APF's victory, its goalkeeper Suzan Wick became the hero . He saved Kankai's two shots and led the team to the title. Deepesh Dhimal and Hari Karki scored for APF in the

tiebreaker. Ujjwal Chamling's shot is out. Kankai's Anoj Magar and Sanjeev Rasaili's shots were saved by APF's goalkeeper Suzan Vick, but Rojan Dhimal and Mirak Limbu's shots were blocked. APF goalkeeper Vic became the player of the match.

The last semi-final match will be played between Biratnagar Youth Club and Koshi Pradesh Police Team on Thursday.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ २०:०८
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