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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२९

Brother's death due to brother's beating


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In Sankhuwasabha Sabhapokhari Rural Municipality-3, Ethumbu village, a brother has died due to the beating of his brother. Police Inspector Ashok Jabegu of District Police Office said that 41-year-old brother Sanman Rai died due to the beating of 38-year-old brother Praveen Rai in Ethumbu.

The police said that brother Sanman, who had a physical disability, died on the spot after his brother Praveen beat him up during a domestic dispute on Friday night. The police said that Praveen, who was involved in the beating, has been arrested and further investigation has been started. The body has been kept at District Hospital Sankhuwasabha for autopsy.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ८, २०८१ १६:५८
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