२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९५

Development of road network is indispensable for the convenience of the people: President Oli


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Chairman of Nepal Communist Party (UML) KP Sharma Oli has said that the development of road network is indispensable to provide health services to the people of Terai Madhesh.

Development of road network is indispensable for the convenience of the people: President Oli

Inaugurating the 15-bed hospital built in Vijayanagar Rural Municipality of Kapilvastu today, Oli said that there is no point in building other structures if there is no road.

'The hospital was inaugurated today, if there was no road here, how would the citizens come?', Oli asked, 'because of the road, people will be able to get healthcare services easily from this hospital built here.' He also said that the postal route has been started in order to solve the traffic problems in the areas not touched by the east-west highway in Terai Madhesh .

Former Prime Minister Oli to solve the problem of irrigation in Kapilvastu Naumure said that it is necessary to continue the irrigation scheme. In '063, when I was the Foreign Minister, I took the proposal of Naumure scheme to India to solve the irrigation problem of Kapilvastu. It is necessary to take it forward again,' he said. He said that for the development of Kapilbastu and the whole of Nepal, commercial agriculture should be promoted using modernization of agriculture and technology.

He stressed that the use of Bhairahawa International Airport should also be prioritized for tourism development. President Oli also said that three hundred and ninety-six hospitals across the country have been laid foundation stones at one time and he is very happy to inaugurate one of them today.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २६, २०८१ १४:११
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