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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८०

A group of journalists filed a complaint against the online media for spreading misleading content


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Surendra Kafle, correspondent of Annapurna Post Daily, has filed a complaint with Press Council and Journalist Federation demanding action for producing wrong audio and transmitting it with his name attached to it.

A group of journalists filed a complaint against the online media for spreading misleading content

Sidhakura.com Online has brought attention to the fact that the audio transmitted on Friday is misleading.

'Even my name was broadcast in the news without facts . Vertical violation of journalistic value, recognition and code of conduct I have submitted this petition for immediate action against those involved in the investigation and as they have hurt my reputation by associating my name with character assassination. In the complaint filed by Kafle, it is .

has been engaged in communication for more than two decades based on the integrity, values ​​and code of conduct of journalism. Mentioning that he challenged to confirm the allegations have given .

'I didn't say it and I didn't say it while I was speaking, in a delusional way in a convoluted way Fake Audio Manufactured is I want to make it clear that what the character said is not my voice. I also request that the council conduct a technical examination and find out the true facts, Kafle said.

from this your For the punishment of damage to the reputation of the Nepalese government concerned Fighting the guilty through the agency He declared have done . "Therefore, I have submitted this petition for the immediate ban on the baseless, misleading content and the investigation of the concerned person and the action to the extent possible" is in Kafle's application .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १४, २०८१ २२:२८
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