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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१४

For cooperative problem solvingCabinet decision to introduce a separate law


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The government is going to make a separate legal arrangement to solve the cooperative crisis and the problems faced by the savers.
The meeting of the Council of Ministers on Thursday has decided to start the process of solving the problems faced by the cooperatives and the borrowers because of them by arranging the law immediately.

For cooperative problem solvingCabinet decision to introduce a separate law

"As the problems of cooperatives are not solved by the current laws alone, it has been decided to introduce a law to solve all the problems," Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Padam Giri told Ekantipur. According to him, the decision to make legal arrangements for the return of the money of the savers, as the mechanisms to protect the money of the savers are necessary It happened .

He said that since the session of the Parliament is not going on now, the law can also come through an ordinance. He said that it will take some procedural time to bring the law from the parliament, but the problems of the cooperatives have become very serious and should be solved quickly.

The Council of Ministers has also decided to instruct the concerned agencies to take serious action to control the fire and reduce the damage caused by the fires and fires in various places across the country.

Similarly, it has been decided to appoint Patan High Court judge Sudarshandev Bhatt as the chairman of the Puravedan Committee in accordance with sub-section 23.1 of section 23 of the Kathmandu Valley Development Authority Act, 2045.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १७:४१
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