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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२९

Even if the owner's property is sold by bringing an ordinance, the cooperative's savings will be returned: Lamichhane


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Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane has said that the money of the savers saved in the cooperative will be returned anyway. Lamichhane says that if there is a legal obstacle to return the money of the cooperative's savers, the problem will be solved by bringing an ordinance.

Even if the owner's property is sold by bringing an ordinance, the cooperative's savings will be returned: Lamichhane

Addressing the election meeting held on Tuesday in Ilam's Chulachuli, Lamichhane said that even if the law is introduced through an ordinance, the money of cooperative victims will be returned. "The government is doing its homework, I am in regular discussions with the Prime Minister, the savings of the people will be returned even if the law is passed through an ordinance," said Lamichhane, "It is said that there is no law to sell the owner's property, if it is, even if the law is made, the process of returning the savings from his property will begin.  ;.'

According to the information provided by the Secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Lamichhane said that he is trying to return the money of the savers by selling the property of the cooperative director.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ १५:२२
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