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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २३९

Creative Writing Workshop for Queer Youth


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A creative writing workshop 'Own Room' has been conducted for queer youth. 16 queer youth participated in the one-day workshop.

Creative Writing Workshop for Queer Youth

United Nations-Nepal and Katha Saath jointly planned the project.

A Room of Your Own is a creative program for queer writers who want to write but don't know where to start or are looking for help writing.

'This workshop was inspired by the extension and expansion of the writing residency of the same name held in December 2022. Where 6 writers from all over Nepal wrote together for 10 days," said a statement released by United Nations Nepal.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ २०:५१
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