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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०४

Ward secretary died after falling from a cliff in Darchula

मनोज बडू

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The ward secretary died after falling from a bhir in Malikarjun rural municipality-5 Dadakot. Police said that 40-year-old Gangaram Luhar, the ward secretary, died on the spot while going to Dadakot from Pasti, the center of the rural municipality.

According to District Police Office Darchula, the incident took place on Thursday and the police received the information on Friday. Information Officer of the District Police Office, Gyanendra Bahadur Singh, said that he may have fallen yesterday evening.

A team has been mobilized under the command of a police inspector from the area police office Lali for the investigation of the incident and the scene of the incident. A police team from the district police office has also gone to the spot to understand the incident.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १६, २०८० १३:३४
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