कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८१

Deprived of irrigation for a year when the machine broke down


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In Kalimati Rural Municipality-7, Ghuiyabari, the lift irrigation scheme machine has not been repaired for a year, and the farmers have been deprived of irrigation facilities. The machine of the solar lift irrigation scheme built with the budget of 31 lakhs of Kalimati Rural Municipality has been broken since one year.

Deprived of irrigation for a year when the machine broke down

After the machine breaks down, we have to irrigate the fields even during the rainy season. More than 50 families of local farmers have been facing various difficulties for irrigation.

In 077, the rural municipality completed a plan by drawing water from the Babai river from a lift to provide irrigation facilities to the fields of about 300 plants that produce three crops a year. Bhakta Bahadur Budha said that after the machine of the scheme, which had been in operation for one and a half years, broke down, Kharekhola was dependent on it. "If there was an irrigation system, rice, corn, wheat and mustard crops could be planted," he said, "It is becoming difficult to plant even in Barkha." We have installed a small pipe in Kharekhola, it is not enough to irrigate 5/6 farmers' land.

Local farmer Lal Bahadur Wik said that they are unable to repair the broken machine and despite repeated requests to the relevant authorities, they have not shown much interest. He said that due to the lack of irrigation systems, they had to cultivate corn during the rainy season on paddy-growing land. "If there was an arrangement for irrigation, we could plant chaite paddy now. Maize could have been planted in spring, but the field is barren," he said. "If there was an irrigation system, the farmer could produce three crops on his own land and sell the grain. Now, on the contrary, they have to buy and eat food from outside.'

The then Irrigation Division Office Salyan advanced the canal construction work in 2068 with a budget of 10 crores to irrigate more than 1000 plantations of land in Ghuiyabari every year and after the flood in 2072 destroyed the plan, local farmer Narayan said his dream of irrigation was incomplete. Sunar said. Mitralal Rizal, Ward President of Kalimati-7 Kaprechaur, said that although the responsibility of protecting the

scheme lies with the local people, due to the fact that they could not find out what went wrong with the machine used to draw water, the damaged machine has not yet been repaired and the farmers are having trouble farming. He informed that the municipality has completed the plan with the goal of irrigating 300 plantations of more than 50 farmers. According to him, after the lift irrigation machine broke down, the farmers have been irrigating the fields by installing pipes in Kharekhola, but they are facing problems because it is not enough. He says that efforts are being made to repair damaged motors and other machines.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ६, २०८० १८:२५
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