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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७९

Training a new generation of Gandharvas to preserve sarangi

वीरेन्द्र केसी

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Skill development training has been given to modernize and commercialize the profession of sarangi players of the Gandharva caste. Tourism Division Office Rupandehi has given 10-day sarangi playing training to 25 Gandharvas from Sandhikhark Municipality-9 Argha of Arghakhanchi.

Training a new generation of Gandharvas to preserve sarangi

15 men and 10 women from Argha have been given a protection and promotion program for the development of rural tourism of the Gandharva caste, the modernization of the skills of the Gandharva caste, and the transfer of technology.

The Gandharva caste, whose traditional profession has been making a living by playing the fiddle, is likely to disappear if it is lost to the new generation. The new generation and women have been taught to play the sarangi while preserving the profession of singing songs by playing the sarangi.

``Listening and watching the sarangi and singing songs is a great joy and fun,'' Geet Acharya, head of the Tourism Division Office Rupandehi, said, 'We have started to make this profession and culture modern and professional. Now, the demand for sarangi in big cities, hotels and dance bars, various cultural events and other events is gradually increasing.

She said that after teaching women and the new generation to make and play sarangi, life will become easier. In the future, the Acharya will come up with a new program to preserve culture and sarangi.

25 families live near Arghadarbar. Arghadarbar is a tourist spot in the district. Saroj Bhusal, Chairman of Arghabhagavati Temple Management Committee, said that there is a basis where the sarangi produced can be sold to domestic tourists who come here and they can entertain by playing sarangi and singing songs. He said that he would buy one hundred sarangis produced by Gandharva in a month. He said that it can be sold to tourists who visit the palace.

'Many people try to decorate the sarangi in their house and government office,' he said, 'Gandharvas can make a living by selling sarangi and singing songs.' He said that this Arghabhgavati temple is the basis for earning income by singing. Argha palace and temple is a big building under construction.

Women have been excited in the sarangi playing training organized by the community awakening development platform.

The tourism division office has also transferred cultural technology along with training. The ancestors of Gandharvas used to play the sarangi and sing songs from house to house and carry the sarangi on their back with a heavy bag of grain and go round the village for a month to collect grain leaves. It was customary to give money at that time. Gandharva played sarangi and sang songs in a house and used to get grains and incense. At one time, when there was no access to information and communication in the village, the citizens enjoyed the events of Gandharva playing sarangi and narrating songs.

'When Gandharva reached the toll, many people cried while narrating the incident on the sarangi played by Gandharva to the sarangi tune of Karunik Geet.' Now this profession is starting to disappear, the government is happy to preserve it and start professionalizing and modernizing the profession.

For ten days, Thakur and Begman Gandharva taught the new generation to play sarangi. Bhuma Gandharva of Argha said that she is happy with the training and that she is hungry for hope that she will be able to make a living from the sarangi profession.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ १५:००
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