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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २९४

Union and State Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Secretary in Palpa

माधव अर्याल

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Preparations for the inter-legislature dialogue meeting to be held in Palpa's Tansen on Friday have been completed. Speaker of the Lumbini State Assembly, Tularam Ghartimagar, speaking to reporters on Thursday, said that preparations for the conference have been completed.

Union and State Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Secretary in Palpa

According to Speaker Ghartimagar, Speaker of the Federal Parliament Devraj Ghimire, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Vimala Ghimire, along with Speakers, Deputy Speakers, Provincial Assembly Secretaries of all seven provinces were present for the meeting.

In the meeting organized by Lumbini State Assembly Secretariat, Lumbini State Assembly Secretary Durbhani Kumar Pun Magar will present the concept paper related to Parliamentary Budget Division, Postgraduate Examination Procedure, Federal Parliament Secretariat Secretary Sudarshan Khadka, Inter-Legislative Forum, Nepal's education presentation by Lumbini State Assembly Secretary. In the

meeting, the speaker of the seven provinces, the secretary of the provincial assembly will have a group discussion and put forward their suggestions. Speaker Ghartimagar said that an inter-legislative dialogue program has been held to implement the federalism, establish the province and the now formed parliament.

"The good practice done by one will be taught to the other," he said, "There is an idea to create an inter-legislature platform in Nepal." He said that a coordination team will be formed between the seven provinces and the federal parliament. The necessary basis for that will be discussed.

He said that even though three levels of government have been established with the implementation of federalism, the people have not been able to realize it, so the matter will be discussed. The government of all three levels will also discuss the issue of making laws to solve people's problems and moving forward. He said that local and state governments should be strong for that. He said that the success of federalism is connected with the success of the province.

He mentioned that the necessary laws could not be made for the provinces without making the necessary laws from the Union. He expressed his displeasure that there was no coordination with the provincial government during the formulation of the law which is included in the list of common rights. He said that an attempt will be made to understand the legal basis of

. In the executive branch, there is a constitutional system where the chief minister is headed by the prime minister. Speaker of Lumbini Province Ghartimagar said that since there is no constitutional provision in the legislature even though it is in the executive, this matter will be discussed.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ २०:२९
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