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३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

Citizen Charter in four languages ​​in Butwal

सन्जु पौडेल

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In Butwal sub-metropolitan city, a citizen's charter has been arranged in four main languages. Sub-metropolitan chief Khelraj Pandey said that the sub-metropolitan corporation has published a charter in Nepali, Tharu, Magar and Nepali (Newari) languages ​​for the convenience of customers of different languages ​​who come to the office from Tuesday.

Citizen Charter in four languages ​​in Butwal

Chief Pandey said that based on the population, charters have been kept in 4 languages ​​and preparations are being made to keep charters in some other languages ​​in the future. 'Now we have prepared a charter for the main 4 languages ​​spoken in Butwal,' he said, 'in the coming days, efforts will be made to prepare charters in other languages ​​as well to make everyone feel a sense of belonging.' He said that as the charter was prepared with the involvement of local experts according to the dialects of Tharu, Magar and Nepali languages ​​at the local level, there may be differences in language according to geography.

'He said that according to the advice of the experts that the language spoken and in use in Butwal may not match with the language of other places. In the

program, Deputy Chief Savitradevi Aryal said that Butwal has prepared a charter in 4 languages ​​with the aim of protecting and promoting the culture of all castes and languages. She said that Butwal will prepare a charter in other languages ​​in the future and is expecting advice for that.

According to the National Census 2078, there are 78.7 percent of the population speaking Nepali language, 6.8 percent speaking Magar language, 3 percent speaking Nepali language and 4.9 percent speaking Tharu language. By using the charter, the customer will easily get all the information related to their work.

After looking at the charter for the service you want to receive, you can find out all the necessary documents, fees and all the information you need to use to get the service.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ११, २०८१ १८:२८
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