२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६०

3 people including the driver were injured in the accident

सम्झना रसाइली

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3 people including the driver were injured in an accident that took place on Saturday morning in Myagde Rural Municipality-1 Gunadi of Tanahun under Prithvira Marg.

3 people including the driver were injured in the accident

According to the District Police Office, the accident occurred when the bus No. 5KH 5359 coming from Pokhara towards Damauli was stopped when the car No. Bagmati BC 5740 coming from the same direction hit the back of the bus. Among the injured in the accident, the car driver is 31-year-old Vikash Tripathi, resident of Pokhara Metropolitan City-25, Kaski. In the same car, 32-year-old Vikas Baniyan of Pokhara-16 and 31-year-old Sanjeev Bhandari of Pokhara-19 were injured, the police said.

The injured are being treated at Ratnahari Memorial Hospital in Damauli. According to the District Police Office, further investigation is going on regarding the incident.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १७, २०८० ११:०६
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