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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८७

Unnecessary insistence of Congress

पाठक पत्र

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Public opinion is on one side, political parties are on the other. The reason why the Nepali Congress candidate lost in two places in the last by-elections is because the party could not follow the sentiments of the people. Kantipur Television put a question in its public opinion - should Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane be able to put his point in Parliament or not?

In that question, 61 percent expressed their opinion that Lamichhane should be allowed to speak in Parliament. Should the Congress accept this public opinion or not? Congress will be increased in 2084 if people keep saying that I will not accept whatever they say.

Blocking the parliament for months because of only 1 person is not in the interest of the country and the people. If the necessary laws are not made, and the budget cannot be discussed, development will be directly affected negatively. Therefore, the Congress should give up its stubbornness of obstructing the Parliament. It is not that you cannot raise your voice against Lamichhane, it can be done even by opening the parliament. Shutting down parliament is not the only option for

protests, it should not be. The common people criticized the UML a lot when they blocked the Parliament for such a long time. Now when the Congress is following the path of the UML, the same criticism is being made by the public. Common people want Congress to do responsible politics.
– Gopal Devkota, Chabhil, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २८, २०८१ ०५:१३
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