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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २५६

Obligation to buy textbooks at designated places

पाठक पत्र

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Business begins in most private schools as soon as the new academic session begins. It's time to buy new admissions, new textbooks, new dresses. Private schools run syndicates on textbooks, dress. They have implemented an unannounced rule that books and dresses must be taken from the specified place, and it is not acceptable for other places.

Balen Shah, the mayor of Kathmandu, made some rules to stop this distorted business, but it seems that a new business has started from another place. Balen made a rule that the school itself could not sell textbooks, but the schools issued an order asking them to go to a certain place and buy them instead of selling them. In order to prevent such distortions, local governments across the country need to intensify monitoring.

There is a situation where the local government has to make standards and implement them even on the weight of school books. Words cannot describe the pain of children sitting on the floor with the weight of their school books and then not being able to carry the weight of those books. Every day we see thousands of children carrying books that are bigger than themselves, but we are unable to do anything for them.

We are unable to make any noise. We are not asking for any justice. Children cannot make any sound by themselves. Their minds can't even think of that. They are burdened by the fear of school. And when we say adults, we keep watching that scene.

This is an example of us not fulfilling our obligations. Why can't we be the voice of the voiceless children? Why can't we tell the school and the government not to do such inhumane things?
– Gopal Devkota, Gokarneswar-8, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ६, २०८१ ०५:०६
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