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52 percent votes fell in Ilam-2


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52 percent votes have fallen in the ongoing voting for the by-election of the member of the House of Representatives in Ilam Region No. 2.

52 percent votes fell in Ilam-2

Chief District Officer Indradev Yadav informed that 60,000 votes have been cast as of 3:30 p.m. Based on the number of cast votes, this is 52 percent.

There are one hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred and eighty nine voters in Ilam-2. Voting is being done in 149 polling stations of 79 polling stations from 7 am.

Chief District Officer Yadav informed that voting is going on peacefully and enthusiastically in all centers. In Ilam-2, 19 candidates, including 12 political parties and seven independents, are contesting the election.

It is estimated that the main competition will be between Suhang Nembang of UML, Dumbar Khadka of Congress, Milan Limbu of RSVP and Dakendrasingh Thegim, an independent candidate of Identitarianism.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ १६:००
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