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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८३

It has been proven in practice that electoral alliances are wrong: Chief Minister Sharma


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General Minister of Nepali Congress Vishwa Prakash Sharma has said that the pre-election alliance has been proven wrong. He claimed that now the Congress will not form an electoral alliance with anyone.

It has been proven in practice that electoral alliances are wrong: Chief Minister Sharma

Addressing the election meeting held in Ilam on Saturday, Chief Minister Sharma said that the Congress is now participating in the election alone because of the experience that the alliance before the election was wrong. told.

Elam is looking for change now. Elam is trying to shoulder the rest of the development work. Now, while going from the era of Subas Nemwangju to a new era, with a strong shoulder, the candidate who was the runner-up with Subas Nemwang yesterday by only 114 votes, will now win with 2000 more votes and resolve to complete his work,' said General Minister Sharma, 'Let's fight the elections well. Let's fight the election without insulting each other.'

He said that only the practice of contesting elections while criticizing in a healthy manner will increase the dignity of elections and democracy. Congress has appointed Sharma as the election commander of Elam in the by-election.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ८, २०८१ १८:२४
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