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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९१

3 names recommended for Vice Chancellor of Midwestern University


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The names of 3 people have been recommended for the vice-chancellorship of Midwest University. The names recommended are Prof. Dr. Dhuvra Kumar Gautam, Nanda Bahadur Singh and Dev Bahadur Khadka.

3 names recommended for Vice Chancellor of Midwestern University

Gautam is the Director of Tertiary Planning Directorate, Singh is the former Vice-Chancellor of Midwest and Khadka is the former Dean .

A 3-member recommendation committee was formed under the chairmanship of University Grants Commission Chairman Devaraj Adhikari to select the Vice-Chancellor. The committee asked for applications and made recommendations based on action plans, thinking papers and interviews. The committee said that the competitors were evaluated by experts. 10 people applied for the vice-chancellor position.

Education Secretary Suresh Adhikari and National Planning Commission member Rameshchandra Poudel were committee members. There is a provision to appoint one of the recommended persons as the Vice Chancellor by the Prime Minister and the Chancellor. After the end of Singh's tenure, Midwest University is without a vice-chancellor .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ७, २०८१ ०९:०६
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