Marfakhola in Mustang flooded, blocking Beni-Jomsom traffic

घनश्याम खड्का

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In Rajkhola (Marfakhola) in Gharpazhong Rural Municipality-3 Marfa of Mustang, traffic was blocked due to sudden flooding on Thursday afternoon. The snow in the Kashighan area at the foot of the Dhampuschuli mountain between Dhaulagiri 2nd and Tukchechuli mountains has flooded the steep Kharekhola due to the melting of the snow by the hot afternoon sun.

Marfakhola in Mustang flooded, blocking Beni-Jomsom traffic

According to Sudeep Nepali, a teacher of the local public interest secondary school, Jomsom, the flood started at 3.20 pm. Traffic on the Beni-Jomsom road has been blocked due to the flooding of the steep Khare river with black mud.

' I am going to school from home (Magdi). When we arrived at Rajkhola (Marfa) at 3.22 pm, we were stopped due to flood . At least 200 passengers and an equal number of passengers have been stopped," teacher Nepali said, "the river has not receded until 6 pm. We are hoping that the flood will reduce.'

In Mustang, which has a dry sandy landscape with shadow rain, floods and landslides have started to cause grief in recent years. According to the Chief District Officer of Mustang, Janakraj Pant, efforts are being made to open the traffic by placing a hump pipe with 2 excavators to start the traffic.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १५, २०८० १८:२७
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