कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २७०

A lingo of Bisket 55 cubits long was thrown, the chariot of Bhairab Bhadrakali was drawn


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Bhaktapur's famous Biscuit Jatra lingo, which is considered to be the leader, has been brought down this evening. After worshiping according to the Tantric method, the festival was completed this evening after the lingo was thrown. On the fourth day of the Bisket Jatra, the lingo that was raised yesterday evening at Lasinkhel in Bhelukhel was lowered today by offering Jatra, Puja and Sacrifices throughout the day.

A lingo of Bisket 55 cubits long was thrown, the chariot of Bhairab Bhadrakali was drawn

A total of 55 cubits long, as wide as a knee, the lingo was molded according to the Tantric method of Daskarma. Before tying the lingo, it is customary to tie two flags symbolizing the serpent and the nagini to the kokha (tip) of the lingo and pull the lingo with eight ropes, symbolizing the Ashta Matrika. With the same eight ropes, the lingo was placed in the eight corners.

Historian and culture worker Dr. Purushottam Lochan Shrestha gave information about the two flags hanging in Lingo's house. Bhaktapur's famous biscuit As there is a religious belief that watching the Lingo Jatra brings happiness, prosperity, prosperity and destroys enemies, this Jatra is also called Shatruhanta Jatra.

Lingo raising and falling festival is the main festival of Bisket. It is said that the Malla kings started the practice of celebrating the Jatra for eight nights and nine days, including the Rath Jatra of Bhairavnath and Bhadrakali, and added the Tantric worship law.

After the lingo was demolished, the chariot of Bhairavnath and Bhadrakali were brought to Gahhiti from Losingkhel. Known as Samagam Jatra of Bhairav ​​and Bhadrakali Devdevi, the act of pulling the chariot is called Dyo Lwakigu in the local language.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १, २०८१ २२:३३
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