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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८५

More laws are needed to create an investment-friendly environment: Former Minister Khatiwada


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Former Finance Minister Yuvraj Khatiwada has said that many more laws and new laws are needed to create an investment-friendly environment in the country. Khatiwada said on the eve of the two-day investment conference, which is going to start here from Sunday, 'All the laws have not been made, the remaining laws should be made. The capacity of the investment board should be increased for the implementation of large projects. The one-door system should really be implemented in practice.'

More laws are needed to create an investment-friendly environment: Former Minister Khatiwada

Mentioning that the government's work of amending nearly a dozen laws through ordinances for the conference was positive, former finance minister Khatiwada suggested that many other laws, especially laws and some rules, should be amended.

'Some laws have to be drafted anew. The laws that have gone to the parliament will have to be passed. If foreign investment is to be brought into public-private partnership, the Public Procurement Act will be applied, some provisions of the Private-Public Partnership Act should be adjusted,' said Khatiwada, who is also the former vice-chairman of the National Planning Commission.

Suggesting that a law should be brought to protect the intellectual property of foreign investment, he said, 'The Foreign Exchange Act is a bit strict, now it should be relaxed a bit. Some things will have to be added to the Companies Act. There is a need to amend the Electricity Act.'

Mentioning that the preparation of the conference should be taken as normal, former Finance Minister Khatiwada said that the preparation of the conference is not the best and the preparation is not enough. He mentioned that the current government has not completed two months since the government came to power.

Former Finance Minister Khatiwada emphasized that the support and cooperation of the government and the private sector is necessary to support the Investment Board by keeping investable projects in a state of readiness.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ १५:५६
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