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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२९

The Confederation urges Russian industrialists to increase investment in Nepal

Agreement of the Confederation with three organizations including the Federation of Russian Industry and Commerce to increase business relations

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Rajesh Kumar Agarwal, President of Nepal Industry Confederation, has urged to increase investment in Nepal. In the business discussion held between the Confederation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, Agarwal said that Nepal is a fertile land for investment and since it is located between the two largest countries in the world in terms of market, one can get a lot of benefits from investing in Nepal.

The Confederation urges Russian industrialists to increase investment in Nepal

Chairman of the Federation of Russian Industry and Commerce Sergey Katrin, who is leading the business trip, said that the private sector needs to be active for the development of the country. Saying that Russian industrialists are ready for investment in Nepal, he said that they will do some important work in cooperation with the Confederation in Nepal. He said that he is ready to work together to encourage the businessmen of the two countries.

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the Confederation and three business organizations of Russia to work on matters of mutual interest. The memorandum of understanding was signed by Agarwal, the president of the Confederation, Katrin, the president of the Federation of Russian Industry and Commerce, Vladimir Kantenev, the president of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Anteli Gustav, the president of the Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Confederation has reached an agreement with the Federation of Russian Industry and Commerce, the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ १९:४६
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