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Motorcyclist dies after being hit by a tipper in Palpa

माधव अर्याल

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A motorcyclist died on Saturday afternoon after being hit by a tipper in Tinau Rural Municipality-2, Dobhan Siskhola.

Motorcyclist dies after being hit by a tipper in Palpa

According to the police, the driver Dev Bahadur Balal, 46 years old, died on the spot when the tipper number Lu 2 B 874, which was going from Dobhan on Siddharth Highway to Tinau Rural Municipality-1, Kachal's best stone quarry, hit the motorcycle number Lu 17 P 1524 coming from the opposite direction.

Former Ward President Rajesh Shrestha informed that the police, locals and the Ward President were involved in the accident in Rohbar. The police said that the motorcycle was in neutral state and fell on the downhill side and was hit on the head by a tipper coming from the opposite direction.

Dovan Police Station and District Police Office have informed that further investigations are being conducted regarding the incident.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ १९:१६
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