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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६०

The main basis of women's empowerment is economic empowerment: Prime Minister


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that economic empowerment is the most important basis of women's empowerment. Prime Minister Dahal said this while inaugurating the 7th International Women's Business Fair organized by the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs in Lalitpur on Friday morning.

The main basis of women's empowerment is economic empowerment: Prime Minister

Prime Minister Dahal said, 'Compared to the past, the condition of Nepali women is gradually getting stronger. But the owner of half the earth cannot be satisfied with this progress of women. Everyone's hand is needed for women's empowerment. Therefore, for women's empowerment in today's world, first of all, financial access must be widened.'

The prime minister also emphasized that recently the issue of empowerment is connected with power. He said, 'Empowerment is connected with power in today's world. Power is connected with meaning. There cannot be true empowerment without being financially empowered. The government has given it high priority.'

On the occasion, the Prime Minister informed that the programs of tax exemptions and concessions have been conducted in industries and businesses run by women and expressed commitment to increase them in the future.

Prime Minister Dahal said, It is important to establish a women's entrepreneur fund to realize the concept of supporting the nation building through social and economic empowerment of Nepali women. The government has made tax exemptions and other concessional arrangements to promote industries led by women entrepreneurs, and it will be increased in the coming days.'

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १६, २०८० १२:१३
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